About NC Homeschool-ology

About North Carolina Homeschool-ology

Ology definition - study of a subject ie. Homeschoolology

Homeschool-ology is the Study of Homeschooling

The title of the website is intended to be kinda descriptive and a little humorous.

The purpose of the website is to connect home educators with each other, and with the many activities and resources available in North Carolina.

A home education will look different for every family, but it is my goal to promote things here that will enable NC families to give their kids a balanced, active and creative education.

It is my hope that in exploring the site…

You Will Find

  • Homeschool doesn’t have to be about giving up the prom or sports. It can include all the great social activities available to children in schools and still be personalized for your student’s needs.
  • Links to groups that provide support, testing, field trips, and activities.
  • Online learning opportunities
  • Articles that are encouraging – plus –  curriculum reviews and ideas for teaching our children at home.
  • Information on how to contact providers of curriculum, educational products and services.
  • Instruction on how to homeschool in our state and information on learning styles, planning, organization, high school credits and transcripts and other aspects of parent education.
  • Encouragement – you can teach your child or your high school student at home
  • Event postings, conferences and activities that are happening all around North Carolina.

All of the above are intended to help us provide a quality home education for our families. Events are posted to help homeschool families find them easily on the web, and to show how many opportunities homeschoolers in NC have today that do not involve sitting at the kitchen table!


About Me

Among other things, I am the editor and organizer of the NC Homeschool “ology” blog. 

This website has existed in various incarnations for ten years now!  

Our family chose homeschooling in order to implement a natural way of learning and to provide an excellent education for our children at home.

We have been homeschooling for 17 years and have graduated two from our homeschool, Creative Learning Academy.  Our home education program was inspired by some of the ideas of John Holt and implemented some of the techniques of Charlotte Mason along the way.

I love to share information that helps us create an atmosphere which encourages creativity and learning in our homes. I believe that when we know our children’s learning styles and preferences, we will be able to help learning occur naturally within that atmosphere. The result will be a lifelong love of learning.

Our homeschool days are typically student led, literature based, and project oriented.

Over the years we have used or reviewed a LOT of curriculum and educational products, so sometimes I interject my personal ideas and compare curriculum and educational philosophies while posting about events.

I hope that you will discover support, information, resources, curriculum, products & field trip ideas here.

I also write about and review educational websites, services, curriculum or products that I think are worthwhile and try to give you the pros & cons as well as list them here so you can locate them when you need them.

Feel free to share resources that you love or upcoming events you want me to add. Don’t forget to send me sports information too!

You can use the contact form here, email me at Homeschoolology@gmail.com. My contact information is also listed on the sidebars of the blog to make it easy for you to find me!

If you are a provider of services, or have a product that you think would be of value to homeschoolers, you are welcome to contact me so that I can add you to my listings.


Merit Blog Sig

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Your Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Question, Comment or Event Information’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

No Responses

  1. Dr. James Randall says:

    I am attempting to reach you – no phone listed – creative homeschooling email gets returned
    Please contact me @ eatacracker@hotmail.com

    • Merit K says:

      Dr. Randall – I just received an email from you about 10 minutes ago 🙂 I do have my phone # listed on my profile but you need to click through to the Gravatar website (click my profile picture). I will pm you- thanks for contacting.

  2. Stacey says:

    Hello I just found this site, and thought I would share with you a homeschool support group in Burke County. We have a yahoo group and a facebook page.
    Burke County Home Educators


    • Merit K says:

      Thanks so much Stacey- I added the link to our Homeschool Support Group Section. I appreciate you letting us know about your group- Merit

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