North Carolina Homeschoolers Extracurricular Activities
Art, Music, Choir, Drama and field trip ideas: to add yours, use the contact page to email the editor.
Extracurricular Activities – Art, Music, Dance, Clubs & Ongoing Activities
Look for Extracurricular Activities in Your Area
- 15 % OFF Surprise Ride Homeschool Kits-
Homeschool parents are loving using the kits for fun hands on learning and art. These are creative kits that will come to students automatically every month or you can purchase bundles or individual kits to try. The discount is for the subscription products (Monthly, 6 Months or Yearly Subscriptions are Available) Great way for Grandparents to be involved, or for a gift idea. Creative activities your kids can do independently. The items in the kits encourage creativity and imaginative play as well as making learning fun. Get more information at the link above or SEE MY REVIEW.
- 4-H Clubs-
Check here for a club meeting in your area.
- Alamance - Homeschool Band-
Alamance County Homeschool Band - Burlington, NC
- Alamance - Sculpture-
Out of the Fire Sculpture studio - homeschool classes.
- Alamance, Guilford - Burlington Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol-
Meeting hours from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. everyone is welcome to join us , Youth aged 12-18 may join CAP as cadets and remain cadets until age 21. Adults of all age's are welcome to join. Located at 3520 Alamance Rd. Burlington, NC 27215
- Blick for Educators-
Lesson Plans, Videos, bulk purchasing. Five minute art lesson videos are nice -
- Buncombe - Music-
Asheville Music School - all styles of music. Group classes or individual lessons.
- Burke - Me, You & Some Glue-
Art, classes and field trips. Call 828-433-7000 or EMAIL for information. Visit their website for class schedules
- Burke, Caldwell, Catawba - Art-
Hickory Museum of Art homeschool classes
- Cabarrus, Mecklenburg - Drama Kids Program-
Drama Kids classes for Mecklenburg & Cabarrus counties
- Caldwell - Lolli-Lu's Art Studio-
Weekly Homeschool classes.
- Capital City Girls Choir-
Auditions are held annually in January, May and August. Beginning Chorus, (9-12 years old) all the way through High School singers are welcome to try out. Tuition information is available at their website.
- Cary - Apex Fencing Academy-
Homeschool Fencing classes on Tuesdays 1-2:30 pm - equipment rental is available too. Fencing hall is located at 504 East Williams St. Apex, NC 27502
- Catawba - Hickory Art Museum-
Visits - changing exhibitions, folk art, art classes
- Cumberland - HS Choir-
Homeschool Choir at Snyder Memberial Baptist Church in Fayetteville, NC near Ft. Bragg, NC.
- Davidson - Level Up Fitness - Classes & Field Trips - Group Rate Offered-
Visit the website to see all this facility offers. Level up Fitness is located at 117 - F Liberty Drive in Thomasville, NC 27360 EMAIL or call 336 - 781 - 6512 for more information about homeschool group rates & scheduling a field trip visit.
- Davidson - Studio 27-
Homeschool classes in Lexington , NC.
- Discovery Place-
Educational Programs for home educators at Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC
- Durham - Acting-
Acting, performance opportunities for youth - Durham Arts Council
- Durham, Orange - Friday Enrichment Classes-
Enrichment classes for Chapel Hill Homeschoolers
- Forsyth & Guilford - Studio A Dance Classes-
Call 407-810-5910 or Email Jennifer at - dance classes around the triad, including Greensboro Recreation Centers. Classes for homeschoolers on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Flexible scheduling - contact them to schedule for your group.
- Forsyth - Actors Group-
Acting classes for homeschoolers in Forsyth County - 843 Reynolda Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27104 - 336 - 201 - 6051 or email
- Forsyth - Creative Drama Childrens' Theater
- Forsyth - Culture Kids of Winston-Salem-
Meet-up group - meeting two Saturdays every month to learn about different cultures of the world through dance, art, food, music, language and other educational yet FUN activities. Drop your kids off or stay and learn with them. Kids will be able to meet other kids from different cultures and form lasting friendships. Winston-Salem and the triad area is full of people from all over the world, this group's goal is to bring the cultures and people together. Everyone is welcome. This is not a religious group. All families with no regard to race, religion, sex or national origin are welcome.
- Forsyth - Dance Explosion School of Performing Arts-
Meets in Clemmons - email or 336-749-1494
- Forsyth - Homeschool P.E.-
Homeschool PE with Matt Kimel in two locations. Email to get on the update list or for questions. Excellent PE class!
- Forsyth - Old Town Gymnastics-
Old Town Gymnastics is offering a homeschool class for ages 6-10. at least 5 children needed to schedule classes. Cost is $72.00 for 6 weeks. They also offer play group on Tuesdays for 5 & under - $5 each visit. 3800 Reynolda Road suite 170, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. EMAIL if interested in the homeschool class, visit the webpage, find them on FACEBOOK or call (336) 681-1599
- Forsyth - Safe Swim NC - Swimming Safety for all ages - Babysitting Courses, CPR-
Located at The Fitness Center, 861 Old Winston Road, Kernersville, NC 27284, get parent & child education resources, classes and certifications -Serving Kernersville and Forsyth County and the surrounding areas - Winston-Salem, Clemmons, Greensboro, High Point, Thomasville, Asheboro - email
- Forsyth - Sawtooth Art-
Lots of media - classes all year long, plus summer camps & workshops.
- Forsyth - STEM Classes of the Triad-
STEM Classes Meeting Thursdays 9-2:30 at Friedland Moravian Church in Winston-Salem : Offers Classes on technology, science, & art for students K-12 including high school level math & science courses. Visit their website or EMAIL HERE if you have questions
- Forsyth County Homeschool Youth Choir-
Contact the director, Brian Haskell at 336-778-1962 or Great vocal instruction - also teaches Christian Worship Band
- Gaston - Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program - OPEN HOUSE will be August 4, 2018 - Regular Meetings are Tuesdays 6:30 - 9 p.m. - Visitors Welcome-
The Civil Air Patrol is fantastic (seriously I have heard only great things about this program). They want to invite the homeschooling community to participate: The Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program, for youth 12-18, develops young people into responsible citizens and leaders by focusing on character development, leadership, education, and physical fitness. Our core values are integrity, volunteer service, excellence, and respect. The Gastonia Composite Squadron meets every Tuesday from 6:30-9:00 pm and visitors are always welcome. Civil Air Patrol is the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary. Questions? Visit their EMAIL, FACEBOOK or WEBSITE.
- Gate City Young Singers-
Greensboro - youth choir.
- GSO - Dance by Design-
Greensboro and the surrounding ares - dance programs for homeschoolers
- Guilford - E-Robotics STEM Activities, Workshops, Summer Camps & Competitions-
Non-profit group for STEM activities for students 6-18 years old. Located at 1715 NC 68, OakRidge Room 202. Homeschool and public school / after school robotics workshops, competitions and summer camps; contact Maria Rosato at 336-493-0403 or email at
- Guilford - Ice Skating Club-
Summit Figure Skating Club
- Guilford - Robotics-
Greensboro Science Center has robotics and brick engineering for early learning - middle school.
- Guilford Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol-
1053 Old Stage Coach Trail in Greensboro, NC, Meeting Weekly: 1900-2030 THURSDAYS
- Guilford County - Acting Classes-
Private and group lessons available.
- Guilford, Forsyth, Davidson - NC Triad Robotics (High Point)-
Students 8 years old & up meet weekly as teams to design, build and test robots preparing for competition. Each age group works on a different robot. Participation fees around $150 for the year. Check Facebook page for events/informational meetings. Students learn skills in relationships, teamwork, finance, fundraising, budgeting, and project management.
- Henderson - M's School of Art-
Homeschool Art classes in Hendersonville North Carolina.
- High Point - Homeschool Band-
Beginner & Advanced Bands
- High Point - HS Orchestra-
NC Homeschool Orchestra with Jennifer Campbell (336) 862-0172
- Iredell - Future Fashion Designers-
The Future Fashion Designers is a club that meets in Mooresville - also classes, workshops and summer camps.
- Jackson County - Homeschool PE-
Community Sports, swimming and Homeschool PE classes. Sign up for a great community newsletter.
- Johnston - Wake - Music-
Neighborhood Academy of Music
- Lincoln - Homeschool Art Class-
12 week classes, drawing, painting, kinetic sculpture - "pay as you go" & sibling discount options: Gallery 27, 808 West Hwy 27, Lincolnton, NC, 704 240-9060 or EMAIL
- Lincoln - The Niche Homeschool Enrichment-
Christian, Classical & Charlotte Mason meets in Denver NC at a local church off of HWY 16on Wednesdays & Thursdays from 10:30-2:30. EMAIL them or contact them at their website for specifics about location & other details about what they offer.
- Macon - The Bascom Art-
Homeschool Art in Hghlands, North Carolina.
- Mecklenberg - Archery-
Barefoot Archery offers custom-designed programs for home-schooled children that provide comprehensive instruction in archery in a safe, wholesome environment. Home-schooled children can participate in one of the competitive teams at Barefoot Archery.
- Mecklenberg - Tweens & Teens-
Charlotte area homeschoolers teen adventure group - meet ups for homeschoolers aged 10-18
- Mecklenberg - XO Pottery Classes-
Pottery Classes with Denise Palmer: Fun Pottery classes and workshops for homeschooled kids ages 6 and up. Register for sessions or for on-going classes for Elementary through High School aged students. Call 704.421.4069 or EMAIL HERE for class information and details. Location is 2525 Distribution Street in Charlotte, NC 28203 - the building is C3 Lab. Easy to get to even from Matthews!
- Mecklenburg - CHEA Singers-
Homeschool choir and choral training.
- Mecklenburg - Children's Choir-
Charlotte Children's Choir
- Mecklenburg - Frye's Roller Rink-
704 782 5513 - Homeschool Skates
- Mecklenburg - Huntersville - Latta Nature & Outdoor Learning Center-
Latta Nature Center always has great programs (some free & some have a small fee) available for home educated kids to benefit from - hiking, learning about reptiles and other animals. Check out their page on "Meetups" to see what is on the homeschool schedule that is FREE.
- Mecklenburg - Mint Hill Arts-
Homeschool Art Class information at the website.
- Mecklenburg - Robotics
- Mecklenburg- CAM-
Charlotte Academy of Music - music, theater & art for homeschoolers
- Onslow - Art-
The Charles Coakley, Jr. Conservatory
- Onslow, W. Carteret - CCE-
Onslow & Carteret Counties- Carolina Christian Educators - 4-H Club, Geography Club and Field Trips
- Piedmont - Future Filmmakers Club-
Kids 11-18 write scripts and make movies together from pre-production through editing.
- Piedmont - Triad Area, NC - Crankin' Engines Classes-
Children's & Women's classes, Lawn Equipment/small engines classes. Times vary based on availability. Crankin' Engines classes are usually 9-12 hours. Lawn equipment services are usually 2 hours. Call 336-745-9251 or EMAIL.
- Piedmont Future Filmmakers Club
- Piedmont Triad Nature Nuts-
Facebook Homeschooling group with a nature focus. Group activities involve getting out into natural areas: nature trails, forests, ponds/lakes/streams, waterfalls, bogs, etc. for observing and learning about bugs, animals, and plants in their natural habitats. Kids learning through free play & exploration.
- Randolph County Homeschool 4-H Club - SHARE-
Leslie McCutchens
- Rockingham - RCS Homeschool Partnership-
Home school students who enroll in at least two online and/or on-campus RCS courses may participate in designated extracurricular activities provided by the Rockingham County Schools." - from RCS Board Policy Code: 4127
Here are some examples of the many opportunities available for your children.
- RCS Virtual Academy (online courses)
- RCS Extracurricular Activities
- Battle of the Books Competitions
- Science Fair
- Academic Challenge Competitions
- Band, Chorus, Theatre Programs
- Robotics/ STEM Clubs
- Summer Enrichment Programs
If you are interested in enrolling your children in any of our Rockingham County Schools' courses or programs, or would like to learn more, please contact Christy Barham, Director of Digital Learning, Professional Development & Media. She can be reached by EMAIL or phone 336.634.3209.
- Statewide - Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts-
Check for a troop meeting in your area!
- Statewide - Girl Scouts - Peaks to Piedmont Council
- Surry - Graceful Steps Dance-
Faith-Based Performing and Visual Arts Academy - for boys & girls: Art, Dance & Gymnastic Classes - 1956 North Bridge Street, Elkin, NC 28621, 336-466-1842
- The Artful Mind-
Art Classes, workshops, summer camps.
- Triad Robotics-
(336) 383-7020 or email,
- Triangle Rock Climbing-
Special homeschool days and rates for homeschool groups!
- Union - 4-H-
Young Minds Science 4-H Club (Homeschool Club) Contact: Phyllis Walsh in Monroe, NC at 704-289-6328, or
- Union - Music-
Lanti Music Lessons - in Indian Trail, North Carolina. Private & group lessons.
- Wake - Acting-
Actors' Training Ground - Theater, film, private coaching and workshops
- Wake - AE-
Garner - Artistic Enrichments, Lynn Soles
- Wake - Apex Martial Arts Center-
Apex Martial Arts Center offers Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Self-Defense and Bully-proof classes for all ages and skill levels. Mention this advertisement at NC Homeschool-ology to receive a free introductory class. Located at 737 Center St., Apex, NC 27502 EMAIL
- Wake - Art-
After School Art for different ages
- Wake - Art House-
Homeschooling Classes Available.
- Wake - Artopeia-
Art for all ages - to sign up, please call 919-307-8144
- Wake - Girl's Choir-
Capital City Girl's Choir
- Wake - Joyful Sounds-
Joyful Sounds Academy of Music & Art is located in historic downtown Fuquay-Varina, NC
- Wake - KidsWrite!-
Kids write (Wake County & surrounding area) and submit their all original one-act plays - less than 45 pages in standard manuscript format. These must be written by a student, grades 6 through 12. Please send submissions along with a letter including your name, address, email address or phone number, grade and school. See website for details for the new years submissions.
- Wake - Kim Yong In Martial Arts - Full Contact Fitness-
Holly Springs & Apex locations. Homeschool Martial Arts class at the 730 W Williams Street, Apex, NC 27502 location on Wednesdays.
- Wake - Music-
Community Music School
- Wake - Music-
KinderVillage Music Studio serving Cary, Apex, Raleigh, Morrisville, Holly Springs
- Wake - ROCKT - Kids' Theater-
ROCKT is a non-profit, educational theater company that provides experience for upper elementary and middle school students in all facets of theater. Email: or call 505-412-3988.
- Wake County - Homeschool Game Nights Holly Springs-
Any and all homeschoolers are welcome! We host game nights, separating the high schoolers (grades 9-12, usually ages 14-18), middle schoolers (grades 6-8, usually ages 11-13), and are new age group the 4th&5th graders. Never been here and don't know anyone? That's ok. That's the beauty of group games! We include new people right away, and we keep the game schedule tight to not give kids time to get bored or forgotten. Some have asked if it's a Christian activity. No. These are not Christian events. Some that attend are Christian and some are not. All are welcome from any faith, any background, and any way of life. Respect from all to all will be expected. This is just a plain ol' game night. The purpose? to play games, have fun, and meet new friends. Join their Facebook Group for more details.
- Wake, Chatham - Art, Dance, Theater-
Cary Cultural Resources - Arts Center
- Wake, Durham - NRACT-
Theater, musical and writing - classes, workshops and summer programs for youth & adults.
- Wake, Durham - Run for The Roses-
Personalized Art Instruction for homeshoolers
- Wake, Guilford - European Medieval Art of Arms-
Schools in Holly Springs and Cary - 30 day free trial. Also (Greensboro Classes) Instruction in medieval combat, Fencing, Sword/Stage Combat. Lectures, or combat demonstration from their knights for special events, schools, or festivals in combat and duels from the crusades, hundred years war, Renaissance, or any combination thereof, suitable for all ages. Combat Seminars in North Carolina - one-day seminar around sword, rapier, pike, sword & shield, or any other weapon we teach. Group rates are available for organizations. Equipment sales - they sell authentic armor, weapons, clothing and equipment.
- Wardrobe Warriors
- Watauga, Ashe, Avery Counties - Gavel Club, Public Speaking-
Teen Group - Public speaking skills - Gavel Club is a speech club designed to help students (ages 13-18) develop communication skills. It is a Fall/Spring commitment and we meet every first and third Monday nights of the month at 7pm (except for Winter Break). The cost for the year is $25. Students have responsibilities & run the meeting. Each student will present three major speeches during the year. Contact Matthew McDill if you would like more information:
Events in NC – this Section is for Events that Occur Regularly
See Also:
- Sports Page
- Proms & Dances
- Conferences
- NC Event Calendar
Also Check Out Posts – You Can Search By Your County
- Day of the Dead
- Winter Teen Events – 2018 Dances
- Charlotte Museum Homeschool Day
Events for Homeschoolers
Events in North Carolina
- Carolina Renaissance Festival
- Highland Games - Grandfather Mt.
- Moravian Candle Tea
- Nutcracker Ballet - UNCSA