Santa Tracker and Educational Fun
Google’s Santa Tracker
Santa’s Village is now open! Google’s early Christmas gift to us all is this fun and interactive webpage for kids and educators.
VISIT the Santa’s Village web page for new fun, educational games each day in December.
Also at that page, Google will track Santa’s progress on Christmas Eve just as they have done for the last twelve years.
Download Lesson Plans
Google is saving teachers and home educators time during the busy holiday season by offering activity ideas and fun games online that co-ordinate with your lessons.
You will find links to download lesson plans FREE here.
The lessons are common core aligned and include lessons on traditions around the world for grades K-10 and computer code practice for students grades K-8.
Educational Games
The free educational games are great for K-12 classroom warm-ups, extension activities, and writing prompts, and you can find them all by going to the Santa’s Village Calendar.
As we Countdown to Santa’s departure on Christmas Eve, new games and experiences unlock each day.
Visitors to the site can practice basic coding skills, exercise their geography knowledge, learn different languages and get to know more about charitable and educational organizations.
Tracking Santa
On December 24, the Tracker goes live allowing Santa fans worldwide to follow his progress on their desktops or mobile phones using the Android app, Android TV app or add the Santa Tracker right to your Chrome extensions.
Enjoy a joyful holiday season!